Good evening.  I hope that all of you are doing well with studying this finals week.  I wanted to reach out and say thank you for a wonderful semester.  It was a pleasure having all of you in my classes, and it was great to watch everyone’s progress develop throughout the semester.

 Binghamton University Triathlon Spin Class in West Gym

To my Triathlon Training Class (HWS 220)

Keep running, biking, and swimming.  I want you all to find a triathlon this summer to sign up for to make sure you continue to have the motivation to train and keep up with fitness.  Some of my favorites are the Broome County Triathlon, Mussleman Triathlon, and Lake George Triathlon.  Check them out!

 Binghamton University Triathlon Swim Class in the West Gym Pool

To my Learn to Swim Class (HWS 101)

Continue to learn.  You all did a great job this semester pushing against the fear of the water.  Find a pool to join and swim, at least once a week.  Don’t let it go!

Health & Wellness Studies Triathlon Training Swim Class in West Gym

To my Intermediate Swim Class (HWS 102)

You swam hard; you swam competitively; you played water polo aggressively, but still managed to all laugh and have smiles on your faces throughout the semester.  You’re getting the same advice as the learn to swim class:  Just keep swimming.  

Decker School of Nursing - Learn to Swim Class in West Gym at Binghamton University

To my Lifeguard Training Class (HWS 250)

Out of all my classes, your responsibility and accountability is the highest in the non-academic world, especially with your American Red Cross certifications.  Keep your environments safe.  Take responsibility to continue to hone and develop your skills as a first responder.  Take the job seriously.  The public is counting on you to watch over them and be prepared for emergency situations.

Health & Wellness Studies Intermediate Swim Class HWS 102 at Binghamton University

Feel free to stop by and visit anytime.  Oiselle and I would appreciate it.  In my last effort to provide stress management tools, I have a video of a happy Oiselle running through the woods for you.  Good luck with the rest of finals week and congratulations to all of the graduates.

Health & Wellness Studies (HWS) is a department of the Decker School of Nursing at Binghamton University.