Healthy Kids Running Series in Binghamton New York Broome County Otsiningo Park Confluence Running Visions Federal Credit Union IMG_0024

Celebrating Week 5 of the Healthy Kids Running Series at Otsiningo Park, Binghamton, NY

The fifth week of the Healthy Kids Running Series in Otsiningo Park, Binghamton, NY, marked a joyful conclusion to the season, celebrating health and community spirit among children aged 2 to 14. This inclusive event featured various races tailored to different age groups, from 50-yard dashes for the youngest participants to a mile run for older children, emphasizing fun, participation, and personal achievement over competition. The series, designed to encourage a healthy lifestyle and strengthen community bonds, drew families together to cheer on their young runners, creating a supportive and vibrant atmosphere. As the season wrapped up, the event left participants with cherished memories and a strengthened community spirit, looking forward to future gatherings.