2024 Loop the Lemur Results at Ross Park Zoo hosted by Confluence Running Events small

2024 Results of Loop the Lemur Ultra Endurance Running Event at the Ross Park Zoo

The inaugural Ross Park Zoo Loop the Lemur event invites participants to engage in a unique running experience alongside Menabe and Rizzo, the charming black-and-white ruffed lemurs of Ross Park Zoo, one of the nation's oldest zoos. Scheduled for May 18, 2024, the event features three time-based challenges: a 6-hour, 2-hour, and 1-hour run, where participants can circle the lemurs’ habitat, offering waves, selfies, and air high-fives to the lemurs. Each lap contributes to increasing lemur happiness and the possibility for runners to be immortalized in The Lemur Hall of Legends, where their photos will be displayed for the lemurs to remember until the next event. This event is open to all participants, regardless of ability, and also includes a family-friendly Lemur to Leopard Fun Run, ensuring a fun-filled day for everyone.